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Here are some of my personals projects.
Also take a look at my GitHub profile for more details.

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Building a chat app with and React rocket, Just to give a bit of context, point_downpoint_down you send a message to a person or a group, they see the message and reply back.

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VueJS Axios NuxtJs Html CSS

Building a chat app with and React rocket, just to give some context, point_down you send a message to a person or a group, they see the message and reply.

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Happy Gilmore is a restaurant management web application developed with PHP/MySQL that allows you to manage all aspects of your restaurant from inventory, stock management, cash management and customer order management and tracking with multiple user roles (user, supervisor and administrator).

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MongooDb Expree ReactJs NodeJs

The App is called "Memos" it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives. Using MERN Stack, including Deploy an App in Heroku and Netlify, Redux, Email login using JWT, OAuth Google login, Pagination, Search, Implement Comments.

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This is my personal portfolio have my Skills, Experiences Professional, Education, Projects Worked and Work On

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JavaScript HTML CSS

In this project we will take a vanilla JS expense tracker app and turn it into a React app using hooks (useState, useContext, useReducer) and the context API.

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JavaScript HTML CSS

Expense_Tracker_JS_Vanille can calculate your balance From the amount entered and history you new transaction

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PHP Blade Shell

CRUD Student operation including Create, Read, Update and Delete operation, using laravel 9.